Creative Industry

Public Value Report FY2019

Kentucky Arts Partnership grants are a small investment with big returns.
In FY2019, the Kentucky Arts Council invested nearly $1 million in 87 nonprofit arts organizations through operational support grants. Data collected from Kentucky Arts Partnership grant recipients demonstrate significant returns in tax revenue, jobs and private funding. Kentucky arts partners also offer arts education opportunities, attract tourists and engage Kentuckians in their communities through the arts.

The arts produce tax revenue.
Kentucky Arts Partnership organizations returned $4.7 million in federal taxes, $1.5 million in state taxes and just under $500,000 in local taxes and fees.

The arts put people to work.
Kentucky Arts Partnership organizations employ 1,101 full-time workers, 4,449 part-time workers and 11,560 contract-for-service workers. They also contract with local businesses for many services including lawn care, janitorial services, facilities maintenance, web development, accounting, printing and advertising.

The arts use state funding to energize private funding.
Kentucky Arts Partnership organizations are required to have at least a dollar-for-dollar match for the arts council's grants. These organizations were able to use their operational support funds to leverage $84 million in earned income, corporate sponsorships, private foundation grants and individual donations.

The arts enhance education.
Kentucky Arts Partnership organizations offered arts education programs and served all 120 counties of Kentucky. The aggregate number of youth participating in arts education programs was 1.5 million. This aggregate number accounts for students attending multiple events and the possibility that the same students could be served by more than one organization.

The arts create vibrant communities.
Kentucky Arts Partnership organizations offer year-round opportunities to experience the arts in small rural communities, medium-sized towns and large cities alike. Total reported individual arts experiences was 5,456,201 between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.

Click here for a pdf copy of the following chart.

2019 Public Value Summary


Page Last updated: October 3, 2019
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